Friday, June 5, 2009

Kranji Randoms

Once more, I'm typing out overdue posts again...

This 'trip' took place on 31 May 09, after Jurong Hill (See previous post).

My dad brought my mum and I to Kranji, since it wasn't too far away. The title of this posts tells you what we did - Stop by several random places in Kranji, just too look around.

Stop 1 - A "Farm Resort" sort of place. It didn't look very interesting, and there weren't many people around either, so we only stopped for awhile.

Took a photo of some flowers that I spotted there...

Stop 2
- At the carpark of the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve(which I had just gone to the day before), we noticed a trail that started from a small side gate, so we went for a walk there instead of entering SBWR.

It was a nice trail, following along the Kranji coastline, through the mangrove swamp.

We turned back after the trail turned inland (The trail would end somewhere near the Kranji dam).

Stop 3 - SBWR's visitor centre, where I spotted this:

I think it was trying to hide. We didn't go into the Reserve, as it was almost closing time.

Stop 4 - Kranji Dam, where I tried to get the sunset, but failed, due to overcast skies. I met a rather friendly cat though... (It posed for me a little).

After the dam, we went on home, as it was getting dark.

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